The Unfastened female alum got a sweet before an audience kiss from her soul mate, Erich Schwer, as she completed her Viennese walz to Elvis Presley’s “Can’t fight the temptation to go completely gaga” on Monday night’s show – – but she tells ET behind the stage that the second was stacked up with extra nerves than energy.

“I should present – – my mouth was so dry,” she yells to ET’s Matt Cohen when gotten some data about the second with Schwer.

“Considering the nerves,” she continues, “yet it was so sweet.”

Schwer was not simply nearby to help his fondness for her live show, yet moreover during rehearses earlier in the week. During a pre-recorded group, Schwer steps in to stir things up around town floor with Windey at the studio.

“I didn’t understand you were an especially talented craftsman, and I was blown away 100 percent,” he says in the fasten.

The couple became associated with during The Solitary rangeress’ season 19 finale, which communicated on Sept. 20.

Following their responsibility, Windey actually bestowed to ET the ensuing stages she and her life accomplice are taking in their relationship.

“We’re both in L.A., so it’s respectable at this point to be in a comparative city,” Windey said. “I accept we’re essentially anxious to continue with concurrence, finally, and not have separate lives that we network like quite a while. We get to join our lives and do things together.”

— Tessa (@tessanicole7101) September 21, 2022

In their succinct sentiment, a few has recently defied their sensible piece of show. Windey addressed a line of revealed texts among Schwer and his ex by let ET in on that they “had a fair conversation about it.”

“Clearly it was hard, but it was never address the choosing second,” she added. “He’s so perfect about it. He never gets defensive, he just reliably apologizes and takes ownership of what he messed up.”

Before that, Schwer ended up snared in banter and straightforwardly apologized after an old photo of the 29-year-old in Blackface reappeared.